#theunwaveringfaith #unwaveringfaith #dailychristianencouragement #dailychristianmotivation #dailychristianinspiration #dailylivinginfaith #raiseyourchild
Welcome to The Unwavering Faith. The place where Christians and wanna be Christians come to get inspired and strengthen their faith. This is the Unwavering Faith Daily Motivational Video. Everyday we bring you a different type of video, which should improve your faith in God in the life you lead.

If you’re a true Unwavering Faith subscriber and have watched till the end please use the word “SHARE” in the comments just to keep this true Unwavering Faith Community of Christians alive. We also picked these videos which we recommend you watch next. Thank you for spending time with us, make sure to like and subscriber for those who haven’t, so you never miss another video and we would see you back, tomorrow.

0:00 Intro
1:07 1. Put Christ first in your life.
1:41 2. Model what a Christian should look like.
2:36 3. Make family a priority.
3:19 4. Teach your children the Bible and about God.
3:38 5. Make sure you are connected to a church.
4:25 6. Regularly attend church.
5:00 7. Encourage your children to have Godly influences in their lives.
5:24 8. Pray regularly with and for your children.
6:03 9. Serve others with your child/children.
6:51 10. Share your faith with others around your children.
7:37 11. Do not provoke your children.
8:30 12. Love your children as Jesus loves you.
9:05 13. Parent with eternity in mind.
10:01 14. Don’t make kids an idol.
10:50 15. Don’t be the reason why your child rebels.
12:00 16. Bonus
13:13 Outro

We’re a new channel struggling to make ends meet to be consistent in making these videos to keep you guys motivated and inspired on a daily and your support on the value we bring for you would be much appreciated to support and grow the channel.
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